Progress Reports & Academic Conferences • Orewa College
News / 30 Apr 2024

Progress Reports & Academic Conferences

Progress Reports

A reminder that progress reports are now twice a term and give an indication of engagement and academic progress. These reports do not replace reported curriculum levels and NCEA marks.

Reported marks are agreed upon between the teacher and the student. If the report you have received indicates that there are some subjects or areas of concern please feel free to reach out to the relevant subject teacher.

Relevant curriculum levels for years 7-10 will be available on the parent portal from the beginning of this term (subject to completed moderation). NCEA marks will be available as and when assessments are complete but these too will start to appear this term.

If you have any feedback regarding reports please reply to

Academic Conferences

Thank you to those that attended the academic conferences. 50% of families and whānau attended and there has been some pleasing feedback as the conferences have become embedded in our regular calendar.

Academic conferences are designed to be focused on the student showing accountability for their progress. Additionally, because each kaiārahi (form teacher) has between 20 and 30 students, there is the opportunity for every family to engage with their young person's mentor.

I will also take this opportunity, to remind you, of the reasons for the change from parent-teacher meetings to student-led academic conferences:

  • Traditional conferences only allowed for 30-35 interviews which meant that an average teacher would only have time to meet with 20% of their families.
  • Teachers often did not have the opportunity to see the families that needed specific and further support.
  • 5 minute meetings between parents and teachers did not allow for meaningful discussions about learning and engagement.
  • In most cases, parent-teacher conferencing proved to be about the student rather than actively engaging the student in the conversation.

You will have received a progress report which indicates your young person's general academic progress and engagement. You are welcome to make contact with specific subject teachers as necessary, but you are particularly encouraged to make contact if there are some concerns.

If you have any specific feedback about the academic conferences, please contact